Principles for Coach Trainers, Coaches & Coaching Trainees

Below are the guiding principles which mark out our training and which we want to see the Coaching Profession develop.


That anyone working as a Professional Coach, or in Coach Training needs to engage in a process whereby their practice is supervised. This is a guarantee of the professionals continued development and more likely to ensure best practice for the client.

Self-Reflective Process

That Coach Trainers, Coaches and Coaching Trainees need to be able to examine themselves. How can the Coach earn the right to ask clients to look at themselves, if the Coach is unwilling or unable to do this for him or herself?


That Coaching professionals be grounded in themselves. This does not mean perfection. It does mean that Coaches have a solidity in themselves which allows them act as anchor for their clients, and the Coaches have enough presence that they can facilitate client growth.

Skills&Wisdom Attained Through Various Walks Of Life

We hold that Coaching is a Post-Graduate Profession. This does not mean that is restricted to graduates. We value skills and wisdom attained in various ways. Therefore significant business experience, or a Garda or Nursing qualification for example, and/or in some cased significant life experience, can all count for preparing a person for Coaching training.

Ethical Practice&Principles

That Coaches need to practice from an Ethical standpoint which honours the client’s integrity, respects their standpoint and values, and is non-exploitative. The continuing professional development of Coaches, through for example ongoing supervision, is a key part of good practice.

Coaching is a Facilitative Relationship

That the Coaches role is to facilitate the client’s goal attainment and growth, not to advise or hector. To offer a facilitative relationship, the Coach needs to:

  • Have a high level of Skillfulness/Competence
  • Have the ability to use his or her own personhood/humanity in the Coaching process