The Course

What is the Objective of the Training Programme?

The Training Programme provides an opportunity for individuals to reach a higher level of competence where they can incorporate Coaching into their existing role or work independently as a Coach.

In addition to learning a comprehensive set of skills, individuals will be provided with opportunities to enhance their self-awareness, to develop a more accurate self-assessment, and be provided with opportunities to greatly enhance their own self-confidence. Programme participants will then be better positioned to assist other individuals to explore, at a deep level, their own levels of self-awareness, and where they want to go in their Lives and Careers.

Who will benefit from the Programme?

Individuals who are grounded and self-directed, with backgrounds in Business, Management, Leadership, Human Resources, Training and Development, and Service or Helping Professions. Individuals need to be motivated to enhance their own level of self-awareness as well as looking at how they can be more effective in their Personal and Professional lives.

How to Secure a Place

To be offered a place on our programme you need to have an interview with Coach Institute Of Ireland. This is a chance for you to meet Coach Institute in an informal way and ensure the programme is right for you.

Number of Participants

In order to allow adequate feedback to you on your progress, the ratio of trainees to group leaders is 12:1.

Programme Fee

The fee is €4,500. Payable in three instalments.

To Arrange Your Interview or to Get More Information

Call one of our Directors & Programme Leaders:

Mike O'Halloran   - 0868391756

Evelyn P Gilmore - 0877944048